Pharmacological characteristics and requirements of different applications of tilmicosin

Pharmacological characteristics and requirements of different applications of tilmicosin
Pharmacological characteristics and requirements of different applications of tilmicosin

In this season, livestock and poultry respiratory diseases are relatively common in breeding; tilmicosin preparation, as one of the more common macrolide drugs for the treatment of livestock and poultry respiratory diseases, understands and masters its clinical pharmacological characteristics It is directly related to one of the keys to whether grass-roots veterinarians and veterinary drug users can use the drug scientifically, accurately and effectively.
  Classification of drugs
  ● Erythromycin thiocyanate belongs to the first generation of macrolides;
  ● Tylosin tartrate belongs to the second generation of macrolides;
  ● Tilmicosin belongs to the third generation of macrolides Esters.
  Drug characteristics
  ● The first-generation macrolide drugs are not resistant to gastric acid, and are less absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract after oral administration; ● The second-generation and third-generation macrolide drugs are resistant to gastric acid. Tilmicosin has high stability to digestive juice and good oral absorption.
  Action characteristics
  ● Tilmicosin binds to the 50S subunit of the bacterial ribosome in vivo, competitively blocks the peptide group transfer and/or displacement during the peptide chain extension process, thereby terminating bacterial protein synthesis, reflecting inhibition Bacteria.
  ● When used in clinical treatment, low-concentration tilmicosin exhibits antibacterial effect, while high-concentration tilmicosin exhibits bactericidal effect.
  Effective Antibacterial Spectrum
  ● Tilmicosin has good antibacterial efficacy against Gram-positive cocci, and has certain antibacterial activity against B-lactamase-producing and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus; ● Tilmicosin has antibacterial activity against Gram-negative bacteria Bacillus has good antibacterial activity; ● tilmicosin and its preparations also have high antibacterial activity against some Gram-negative bacilli (such as Haemophilus influenzae); ● Which atypical pathogenic bacteria does tilmicosin have, For example, Legionella pneumophila, Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Chlamydia and Anaerobic Peptococcus have good antibacterial efficacy.
  Adverse reactions
  ● The clinical adverse reactions of tilmicosin are mainly the stimulation of the gastrointestinal tract of livestock and poultry after oral administration, causing vomiting, abdominal distension, abdominal pain and other gastrointestinal discomfort in animals; Defects, the products used in oral mixes need to be made of coated preparation technology; Then, for the tilmicosin product that is administered orally in drinking water, it needs to be made of soft-coated oil-in-water nanoemulsion technology just work.
  Injections should be used with caution
  ● Although oral tilmicosin is safe for animals, it is less safe for injections. When tilmicosin is used for injection, it often causes obvious cardiotoxicity in animals; After tilmicosin injection, animals with poor tolerance often manifest clinically as arrhythmia, bradycardia, abnormal electrocardiogram, and severe cases Cause fainting or sudden death.
  ● When prescribing veterinary clinical treatment, it is contraindicated to combine tilmicosin with thiamphenicol, lincomycin, etc., because they will reduce their effectiveness due to competition for the same site of action in the body; Most of them are administered orally, and its drug defects are not improved or solved by preparation technology, which will directly affect its use effect and safety.

Written By lucas lee

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